Roadtown Oct. 9, 2015 

PUBLICATION INFORMATION  Please submit any submissions for the Community section to:  [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PDF format.  Hard copies (30) must be submitted by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.


Monday, October 12


Tuesday, October 13

School Council Meeting, 3:30 – 5:00pm

Tuesday, October 13

5/6 Apple Store Fundraiser

Wednesday, October 14

5/6 Apple Store Fundraiser

Thursday, October 15

3rd Grade Field Trip to Amherst Cinema & Beneski Museum at Amherst College

Thursday, October 15

Grade 7-12 Consolidation Meeting, 6:30pm – SES Library

Friday, October 16

4th, 5th, 6th Field Trip to UMass Fine Arts Center

Monday, October 19 – Thursday, October 22

Scholastic Book Fair in SES Library

Wednesday, October 21

Family Night at Scholastic Book Fair in SES Library

Friday, October 23


October 9, 2015

Dear Moose Community,

We are excited to announce the date of our second annual Vocabulary Costume Day! This event will take place on October 30th. Students will brainstorm robust and exciting vocabulary words, and then plan a costume to display the meaning of the word. Teachers will work with students in the classroom to do some preliminary brainstorming. Of course, help from home is welcome as well. Attached to the Roadtown this week, you will find a formal letter from me detailing this event. Please pay particular attention to some of the costume guidelines; including no props, face paint or violent-themed costumes.

You should have received a flier from Superintendent Geryk from Amherst Regional Schools inviting Shutesbury residents to a meeting at SES on October 15
th at 6:30 PM. The purpose of this community listening session is to collect feedback on the possible consolidation of the Middle and High Schools. I encourage you to attend this informational session, as it will impact all of our students. Due to this meeting, the Shutesbury School Committee meeting will not be held on the 15th. I want to take a minute to thank Patricia Convery. Ms. Convery was our wonderful long-term substitute for the third grade. Ms. Convery was such a great addition to the SES family and her work has been really appreciated by the staff and students. Thank you! We welcome back April Cannon next week!

Next week is a VERY busy week. We do not have school on Monday October 12th. On Tuesday, October 13 and Wednesday October 14th, the 5th and 6th graders will open their “Apple Store”. No, this is not the sale of Apple electronics! They will bring in delicious apple treats made from the apples they picked on a field trip. They will sell these treats to the school community as a fundraiser. Treats cost anywhere from $0.25 to $1.00. Students will be able to purchase treats at snack time.

On Thursday, October 15th, Third grade will take a field trip to Amherst Cinema to participate in the “Hear-See-Feel” film program. On Friday, October 16th, grades 4-6 will take a field trip to UMASS to the multi-bands concert. They will see the work of our music teacher Ms. Chris and the UMASS Color guard!

Have a fabulous weekend,

Jackie Mendonsa


Moose Interview of the Week

Brian from Kindergarten!

JM: What is your favorite color?

BC: Blue

JM: What is your favorite food?

BC: Goldfish

JM: What is your favorite thing to play with?

BC: My toy dog

JM: Who is your teacher?

BC: Ms. Birtwell

JM: What is your favorite animal?

BC: (Joking) Jellyfish….shark…skunk (giggles)


The Book Fair is Coming!

Our Scholastic Book Fair brings to school a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and affordable books kids want to read. Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books motivates them to read more. The Book Fair provides funds for our library, too!

Book Fair Dates:     Monday, October 19th to Thursday, October 22rd

Shopping Hours:     School hours each day, plus Wednesday evening

Family Event:     Wednesday, October 21st from 5:30-7:30


***PTO NEWS***

Target Red Cards -  When you register your Target Red Card to affiliate with Shutesbury Elementary School, Target donates a percentage to SES each time you shop! You also gain free shipping and 5% off every time you shop with a Target Red Card.  You can sign up for a debit or credit option.  Register your card with SES today!

Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Program (see attached flyer) - Register your Stop & Shop cards today!  Each time you shop, SES earns cash points and receives a check at the end of the program to utilize for field trips, instructional materials, or in-house programs.  We have only 14 registered cards right now….and about 90 families at our school.  Sign up today!

This is an easy way to donate to the school by shopping where you already shop.  Thanks for your support!

HALLOWEEN CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED! Due to the fact that ALL trick-or-treating in Shutesbury happens along Leverett Road on Halloween night, these families get inundated with trick-or-treaters.  We have decided to donate back to these homes so that there is no financial burden on the families that make Halloween so special for all of our children.  Bags of sealed candy will be collected in the Main Office at Shutesbury Elementary School and at the MN Spear Library from now until Oct. 30.  Please consider donating!



Not School Sponsored

*Annual Flu Clinic - The annual flu vaccination clinic will be held on Saturday, October 17, 10 am - 1 pm at Shutesbury Elementary School.

Please bring your insurance and/or Medicare cards; no one will be turned away for lack of an insurance card, but it's really helpful if the town can be reimbursed.

To save time, you can get all the paperwork in advance at or as of Tuesday the 13th at Town Hall.

We are still seeking volunteers to staff triage and to give vaccinations.  A modest honorarium is available for nurse vaccinators.  Call 259 2122 or email [email protected]

--Catherine Hilton for the Board of Health


*News from the M.N. Spear Memorial Library

Join us for dinner!

Turkey Dinner

Friday, October 9th, from 6 – 8 pm, at the Shutesbury Athletic Club. Suggested donation, $10 for adults, $5 for children. We’ll be serving turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, veggies, gravy, cranberry sauce and dessert.


Lego Club

Saturday, October 10th, 11 am – 12:30 pm, at Town Hall. Library Lego Lady, Jean Daley brings thousands of Legos! Children ages five and up should bring their imaginations!


Magnificent Magnets!

A STEAMrolling Program for three to six year old children and their families.Wednesday, October 14th, 3 pm, at Town HallHelen Ann from the Hitchcock Center helps participants explore the amazing work that magnets can do for us. We’ll use different kinds of magnets to explore their properties and uses.

Weekly Lunch Menu
Vocabulary Costume Day Letter from Principal Mendonsa
Boxtops for Education
The Flu: A Guide for Parents
ABC Fall Foliage Walk/Run

Posted by carlson-belangerj On 09 October, 2015 at 2:57 PM