Roadtown March 4, 2016 

PUBLICATION INFORMATION  Please submit any submissions for the Community section to:  [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PDF format.  Hard copies (25) must be submitted by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.


Friday, March 4

MCBA Books In Action Party, Shutesbury Elementary School – 5:45 – 8:30pm

Monday, March 7

Safety Committee Meeting – 8:00am

Tuesday, March 8

School Council Meeting – 3:30 – 5:00pm

Thursday, March 10

Community Network for Children Council Meeting, Conference Room – 6:00 – 7:00pm

Sunday, March 13

Daylight Savings Time Begins – Set clocks ahead!

Monday, March 14

Kindergarten Orientation – 9:00am & 12:00pm – NO SCHOOL FOR MS. BIRTWELL’S PREK/K CLASS

Thursday, March 17

School Committee Meeting – 7:00pm

Friday, March 18

All School Assembly – 2:30-3:30pm

March 4, 2016

Dear Moose,

What a week we have had! Grades 4-6 have been so excited about the culmination of our MCBA activities! On Wednesday 11 teams (including one teacher team!) competed in a Battle of the Books! Teams worked together to answer trivia questions based on the 25 MCBA/Mash up book list they have been reading from all year! It was a great competition. The first and second place winners were from the 4th grade!

First place went to Shae, Nora and Sage!       

1st Place

Second place went to Arin, Joanna, Cedar and Maisie!

           2nd Place                     

Congratulations on a battle well won!


Students also participated in a door-decorating contest around a theme of an MCBA Mash-Up book! The week will culminate with the MCBA Books in Action Party hosted by Shutesbury Elementary School on Friday night! Students who read 5 or more MCBA books are invited to attend a night of fun games and events around the 25 books! Students from Leverett and Swift River schools will also join in the fun on Friday night. HUGE thanks for to our wonderful Librarian, Ms. L for her facilitation and organization of this amazing tradition.

Please refer to our dates to remember about all of the upcoming meetings and events!

Have a great weekend!



The School Committee has an open seat - please consider volunteering to fill it! Any Shutesbury resident can serve. School Committee members are elected to serve 3-year terms, voting is in May. You can get your name on the ballot by filling out nomination papers from the Town Clerk - 20 signatures are required by March 19th. (It's also possible to run as a write-in candidate.)

The Committee meets once a month, feel free to stop by the school any 3rd Thursday at 7pm to see what's involved. If you have any questions, please get in touch with a School Committee member, contact info here:



Not School Sponsored

*The Leverett Historical Society & Leverett Cemetery Association present:

History in Stone   A Slide Show presentation by Dawn Marvin Ward

Sunday, March 6, 2016   2 p.m.  at Leverett Library

Family and local history have been preserved in special places that many don’t think to visit for historical purposes. Cemeteries are filled with local information and artwork while they last.

Preservation of gravestones and recording the information they have engraved on them is valuable as another way to preserve our local history.

Do you know how many cemeteries are in your town, where they are, what condition they are in and what you can learn from them of your local past?

Join along on a slide show “visit” of the cemeteries of Leverett and see what history can be gleaned from them, and HOW to find further history from a headstone.

This program is funded by Leverett Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by The Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.


*M.N. Spear Memorial Library News

Please join us for these upcoming library programs.


Saturday, March 5th, 6:30 pm, at the Town Hall

Movie Night – The Good Dinosaur: Rated PG

Suggested donation, $1 per person. Popcorn, soda and baked goods for sale, $1 each

Monday, March 7th, 7:30 pm, at the Library

Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Club       

Join us to read and discuss science fiction novels. We will be discussing The Water Knife by Paulo Bacigalupi at the March meeting. Books are available to borrow at the Library.

Friday, March 11th, dinner at 5:30, program at 6 pm, at the Town Hall

Meet Author and Early Literacy Educator, Ellen Mayer

Presented by the Union 28 Community Network for Children and the M.N. Spear Memorial Library. This program is best for families with children ages four and under.

Free books and pizza and childcare for each family.

Please register by emailing Gillian Budine, [email protected]


*Community Action can help pay fuel bills for income qualified households.
Convenient confidential fuel assistance consultations will be offered at the M.N. Spear Memorial Library.
Wednesday, March 9th and Monday, March 14th, 6 - 8 pm.

Household size - 1, Gross Household Income - $33,126

Household size - 2, Gross Household Income - $43,319

Household size - 3, Gross Household Income - $53,511

Household size - 4, Gross Household Income - $63,704

Household size - 5, Gross Household Income - $73,897

Household size - 6, Gross Household Income - $84,089

Call SAM for a confidential appointment at the Library, 413-774-2310, extension 150.
If you have other questions call Fuel Assistance at 413-774-2310 or visit their website,


*Cancer Connection Campout! Again this year Teri Nelson (Swift River School teacher), and Jessica Carlson-Belanger (Shutesbury Elementary School Admin. Assistant) are participating in the Winter Campout in downtown Northampton, MA to raise money for The Cancer Connection, a non-profit organization that provides services for patients and their caregivers undergoing cancer treatments. It is a great organization (see more here and our overall goal is to raise $100,000 this year!! That is a lot of money (and a lot of camping in the winter!)!! Please consider making a donation in their names. You can do this in one of 3 ways:

1) Send a check made payable to the Cancer Connection to one of their work places:

Shutesbury Elementary School
23 West Pelham Road
Shutesbury, MA 01072
ATTN: Jessica

Swift River School
201 Wendell Road
New Salem, MA 01355
ATTN: Teri

2) Donate online at Remember to put "Camper Jessica and Teri" in the memo line or send Jessica or Teri an email letting them know you donated.

3) Join us at the Cancer Connection Campout on Tuesday, March 8 after 1pm through Wednesday, March 9 and drop off your donation there. Downtown Northampton on the old courthouse lawn! Having visitors is always fun and you can meet the man behind the Campout, radio personality Monte Belmonte!
Also listen to WRSI, The River (93.9) during this time to keep posted about the progress of the event. Thanks in advance for your donations!!
~Jessica and Teri


*Make Focusing Your Own

Focusing is a mindfulness tool that can help us find clarity and fully embrace personal truth in a way that mental constructs sometimes cannot.  Every situation we encounter creates in us a felt sense, an intuitive knowing that we can access more mindfully.  This in turn allows us to work more consciously with the spirit that weaves its wisdom through our bodies from moment to moment and ushers in truth and transformation.  Focusing can be useful within moments and can also become a polished skill for contemplation and self-development.


Starting Monday, March 14, 2016 (6:30-8:30 pm)

Mount Toby Meetinghouse*

Leverett, MA

Focusing Level One: Befriending Ourselves

Focusing in a peer partnership can provide a safe, nurturing and engaging container for the Focuser.  Typically, each Focusing participant is trained both in how to Focus and how to be an effective listening companion.  In Level One, participants learn and practice the simple skills involved in effective Focusing, including the basics of the peer relationship.  Five classes allow participants to become effective Focusers and to begin peer focusing.

Level Two to follow in May and June.

Please see!about3/c11yw and/or contact Daphne for more information and to register.


[email protected]

*This is not a Quaker meeting program.

Weekly Lunch Menu
PTO Auction Flyer
Community Network for Children:  Cabin Fever Sing Along & Potluck at SES
Amherst Regional Middle School Orientation for 6th Grade Parents/Guardians
Amherst Regional Middle School Special Education Orientation for 6th Grade Parents/Guardians
Adventure In/Adventure Out:  April Vacation Program
Adventure In/Adventure Out:  Summer Program at Bement

Posted by carlson-belangerj On 04 March, 2016 at 10:43 AM