Roadtown Sept. 16, 2016 

PUBLICATION INFORMATION  Please submit any submissions for the Community section to:  [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PDF format.  Hard copies (28) must be submitted by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.


Saturday, September 17

PTO at Celebrate Shutesbury on Town Common, 10:00am-2:00pm

Wednesday, September 21

Open House, 6:30-8:30pm – ADULTS ONLY (PREK MEETING AT 6:00PM)

Thursday, September 22

5/6 Morse Hill Field Trip

Friday, September 30

All School Assembly, 2:30-3:00pm

Thursday, October 6

PTO Meeting, 6:30-7:30pm


September 16, 2016

Dear Moose Community,

We have completed our first full week of school for the 2016-2017 school year! We are certainly off to a great start. A big thank you to Katie Tolles and Savannah Oulette who led our assembly with some great songs today.

Last Friday, many families joined together to welcome in the new school year with delicious local food at our Harvest Dinner Potluck Picnic! Picnic blankets were set up along our small hills and families brought scrumptious dishes with local ingredients-- many from personal gardens. Many thanks to April Woodard for organizing and leading this event. Special thanks to Jen Malcolm-Brown, Laura Luetjen, and other families and staff who assisted with set up and clean up for this event too.

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On Wednesday, September 21st, we will have our Open House. This event is for adults only. Parents and guardians are invited to attend to learn about what their child will learn and experience at school this year. The schedule of events is as follows:

6:00-6:30 Pre-K in classrooms

6:30-7:15 Grades K-3 in classrooms

7:15-7:45 Whole community gathering in gym

7:45-8:30 Grades 4-6 in classrooms

Attention all parents/guardians! We have a parent seat available on our School Council. The School Council usually meets the second Tuesday of the month from 3:30-4:30 at the school. The School Council is made up of teachers, parents/guardians, the principal and community members. The Council is responsible for the creation of the School Improvement Plan, the family survey and is also a sounding board to the school community and helps to facilitate new ideas and changes to the school. If you are interested in being on School Council, please submit your name to me (Jackie). If more than one parent is interested, there will need to be an election (vote) that will happen during Open House. If you would like to hear more about School Council, please contact me, and I would be happy to talk.

Have a great weekend,





Mie from 3rdd Grade!


JCB:  What is your favorite thing about our school?
MP:  Probably recess.  I like playing in the sand box and swinging on the tire swing.

JCB:  What would you like to be when you grow up?
MP:  I truthfully don’t know. A vet.

JCB:  What do you like to do in your spare time?
MP:  Probably hang out in my backyard and play and draw pictures.

JCB:  What are you looking forward to at school this year?
MP:  Probably that we are going to do fun math activities and stuff like that.



SES Library Volunteers Needed

Our library needs your help! We circulated almost 9,000 books last year! Every book needs to be re-shelved so that readers can enjoy it. In addition, some books need to be repaired. Please contact Heather Lobenstine ([email protected]) if you are able to volunteer. No experience is required, but attention to detail is key. Thank you!   


Instrumental Music Lessons

Letters from Tyson Peelle and Brian Bender came home this week describing their instrumental lesson programs for their eligible age groups (Bender – grades 4-6; Peelle – grades 2-6).  Please return the registration forms as soon as possible.  If you need another form please call Jessica or Martina in the main office at 259-1212 x0.


Message from the Bus Drivers

Please fill in all information on bus notes so that the new drivers will have as much info as possible when dropping off children (including address, bus number, etc…).  Thank you!

***PTO NEWS***

Celebrate Shutesbury HELP NEEDED:  Saturday, Sept. 17 the PTO will be on the Town Common from 10am-2pm with the Bounce House!  We will also have Hula Hoops and be helping with the Selectboard activities of Pumpkin Painting and Donut Eating!  If you are available to help set up, staff an activity or clean up, please email [email protected].  We need at least 3 folks throughout the entire celebration.  EVEN A ONE HOUR SHIFT WOULD HELP!  

LAST DAY FOR PTO DIRECTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:  If you would like your child's contact information in the SES Student Directory, you must enter the information online today! The web address is You can enter your information until Friday, September 17th (TODAY!). If you have any questions, please contact me either by email [email protected] or by phone 413-253-8878.

Thank you,

The distribution of this info is helpful in contacting other families from your child's class for playdates, ride sharing, etc...  Thank you to Melissa and John Warwick for compiling and distributing this info!


PTO MEETING CHANGE!  Beginning in October, the PTO will be meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm in the Conference Room.  The next meeting is on Thursday, October 6th from 6:30-7:30pm.  All welcome!


Election Day Bake Sale:  On Tuesday, Nov. 8 the PTO will be hosting the Election Day Bake Sale at the Town Hall from 7am-6pm.  Please consider signing up for a shift to tend the booth AND/OR donating baked goods!  Contact the PTO at [email protected] if you have any availability that day or are able to drop off baked goods. EVEN A ONE HOUR SHIFT WOULD HELP!  




We are thrilled to announce the creation of the MULTI-ARTS THEATER COMPANY

We will stage original plays written by young, local play-writers. These plays will be directed by Multi-Arts theater director, Sonia Arrubla (see bio below).
The MULTI-ARTS THEATER COMPANY will expand Multi-Arts' educational and artistic mission throughout the academic year by providing a platform for young writers and performers to cultivate and share their artistic talents.
Over the course of the semester, participants will rehearse 1.5 hours a week and present at least two public performances.

We invite children to join us for the debut season of the MULTI-ARTS THEATER COMPANY.

Children ages: 8-13

Program dates: Fall Semester: September 15 - December 8 (no rehearsal on Thanksgiving week)

Rehearsals: Thursdays 4:30-6:00 PM

Shows: Thursday December 1 -Amherst & Friday December 9 -Northampton

Location: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Amherst

Fee: $150 per child, per semester

Space is limited. Financial aid is available.



The Enchanted Forest: A Non-scary Halloween Event

“Creatures That Build
& Saturday, October 14 & 15, 5pm-8pm each night

Come to the Hitchcock Center’s new home at 845 West Street, Amherst for a magical treat! You will be led along our pumpkin lit forest trails where creatures will emerge to share their stories. This year we will learn about animals that build, like us! Fun for all ages!

·      Adult: Members $10/ Non-members $12

·       Children: Members $5/ Non-members $6

·       Under 3 years free

·       Registration required, please go to our website: to register


*CELEBRATE SHUTESBURY – This Saturday, Sept. 17 on the Town Common from 10am-2pm

Book sale - Bake sale - BBQ - Baseball throw - Emergency vehicles and first responders -  Tours of Old Town Hall - Historical Commission artifacts - Celebrate Shutesbury books - Tea party - Tag sale including crystals, paintings, home-made hemp clothing, toys and games, fine china and electronics, household items, tools, hand-made jewelry, leather jacket -- Stilt walker (try them out or buy a pair!) - Pumpkin painting - Bounce house - Facepainting - Donut Eating - Farmers' Market - Hula hoops – Live entertainment including Dale Reynolds, Katie Tolles, Karen Traub, Julie's Ukes, Laurie Challenger, and Duffy Academy of Irish Dance with Alycia Duffy!!! There will be a chair massage- $1 a minute or donation.

Brought to you by the Shutesbury PTO, MN Spear Library, Shutesbury Community Church, Shutesbury Athletic Club, Shutesbury Police Dept,, Shutesbury Fire Dept., Dina Stander and Family, Shutesbury Historical Commission, Sirius Community, Ezzell Floranina, Shutesbury Selectboard, Karen Traub, Maryelise Lamet, and Jessica Carlson-Belanger

Weekly Lunch Menu
Important Info Regarding Pick-Ups at School

Posted by carlson-belangerj On 16 September, 2016 at 10:54 AM