Roadtown Oct.. 14, 2016 


 Please submit any submissions for the Community section to:  [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PDF format.  Hard copies (29) must be submitted by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.


Monday, October 17

5/6 Apple Store in Library

Tuesday, October 18

5/6 Apple Store in Library

Wednesday, October 19

School Picture Day

Thursday, October 20

School Committee Meeting, 7:00pm

Friday, October 21

NO SCHOOL – Curriculum Day

Friday, October 28

All School Assembly, 2:30-3:00pm

Friday, October 28

Vocabulary Costume Day

Dear Moose Community,

I am writing to you as "substitute principal" today.  Ms. Mendonsa and the SES staff were kind enough to allow me to put my principal shoes back on and spend the day observing and participating in the amazing teaching and learning that occurs here.  I have watched K-1 students writing amazing stories, listened to sixth graders discuss character, friendship and why kids might bully or be unkind, saw fifth graders involved in math discussions and participated in story time in preschool...and that is just a small snapshot of my day!  I am thrilled to be part of what happens here at SES and look forward to another "principal" day.

Jen Haggerty, Superintendent, Union #28



The Book Fair is Coming!

Our Scholastic Book Fair brings to school a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and affordable books kids want to read. Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books motivates them to read more. The Book Fair provides funds for our library, too!

Book Fair Dates:      Monday, October 24th to Friday, October 28th  

Shopping Hours:     School hours each day, plus Wed. evening

                                    (You can shop before or after your parent conference, too!)

Family Event:            Wednesday, October 26th from 5:30-7:30



Any state employees are eligible for a volunteer leave one day per month.  This is good news for our school as we look for extra lunch/recess coverage or library help from parents/guardians!  Here is a snippet from the UMass Employee Handbook:

Section 31E of Chapter 29 of the Massachusetts General Laws authorizes state employees to volunteer up to one work day per month in a public school or school district. The following are intended to provide implementation guidelines for this program at the University of Massachusetts
All full time benefited employees who have been employed by the University for 6 months, have received acceptable performance evaluations and have received the approval of their supervisor are eligible."

Please check with your employer for more details.


William from Preschool!


JCB:  What do you like to do at school?

WR:  Playing, digging holes. I like taking the bus.

JCB:  What do you like to do in your spare time at home?

WR:  I like to build stuff with wood and Legoes and all kinds of stuff.

JCB:  What is your favorite food?

WR:  Pizza.

JCB:  Is there anything you like about the new playground? 

WR:  I really like when it rains on the slide.  Waterdrops on the slide.  You know why I love it?  Because you can slide down the slide super, super duper fast!

JCB:  What do you like about your Specials?

WR:  I like art!  I like when we paint pictures and we get to take them home.

***PTO NEWS***


Hello Shutesbury community! Please send your Boxtops into the school this month! The deadline for the first submission is November 1.  You can continue to collect Boxtops and send them into the school throughout the year.  There is a BIG jar in the office so let's fill it!  Every Boxtop we collect is 10 cents for our school.  Believe it or not they really do add up. We will also submit a collection next Spring so keep clipping!!



Amber O'Brien

Boxtop coordinator


Shutesbury Flu Vaccination Clinic

Saturday, October 15, 2016

SES, 10am - 1 pm

For children and adults

High-dose vaccine for seniors will be available

Bring insurance cards

Shutesbury Board of Health, [email protected], 259-2122


Weekly Lunch Menu
PTO Election Day Bake Sale
Wendell Full Moon Coffeehouse - Geoff Bartley to Benefit Community Network for Children
Create Art for Toddlers at Wendell Old Town Hall - Community Network for Children
Free Eye Screening at Wendell Playgroup - Community Network for Children 
Lions, Witches and Wardrobes!  LSSE Program
Posted by carlson-belangerj On 14 October, 2016 at 9:25 AM