Roadtown Oct. 23, 2014 

PUBLICATION INFORMATION  Please submit any submissions for the Community section to:  [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PDF format.  Hard copies (65) must be submitted by Thursdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.


Friday, October 24

No School.  Curriculum Day


Tuesday, October 28

4th Grade Field Trip to MN Spear Library


Thursday, October 30

3rd/4th Grade Field Trip to GCC


Friday, October 31

Vocabulary Costume Day


Friday, October 31

All School Assembly


Wednesday, November 5

Picture Retake Day


Monday, November 10

PTO Meeting, SES Conference Room


Friday, December 5

Rachel Simmons Mother/Daughter Workshop

5:30 - 7pm

Principal’s Message:

October 24, 2014

Dear SES Community,

Students and staff have been hard at work this week. Some students in grades 5 and 6 submitted Student Council applications and all SES students have been brainstorming robust vocabulary words to  “be” at our Vocabulary Costume Day next Friday.

Next week is a busy one! Rescheduled field trips for Grades 3 and 4 take place on Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday, 4th grade will walk to the town library to learn about the many important opportunities the library has to offer. On Thursday, grades 3 and 4 will take a trip to Greenfield Community College to study geology and then travel to the Poet’s Seat Tower and the French King Bridge.

On Friday October 31, our school-wide assembly will begin at 2:15 pm. It will be a lively and fun event! Jim Henry will come to perform for us, and we will also share a few activities around our Vocabulary Costumes. All families are welcome to attend!

We are trying to be as paper-free as possible at our school. I encourage all families who are able, to sign up to receive the Roadtown News electronically. We are posting the Roadtown News weekly on our school website: Please let Jessica know if you would like to be added to our Roadtown News email list!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Happy Weekend!

Jackie Mendonsa, Principal

SES Student Interview of the Week!





JM: What do you love about SES?

FC:  I’m happy that I get to meet great friends and I love that I get to learn new things. My favorite thing to study is math. I even ask my mom to give me equations at home to do!

JM: What’s your favorite lunch that Chef Gail makes?

FC: I just love the black bean burger! They are really good and I just love them. I put lots and lots and lots of ketchup on top.


Superintendent Search Survey

The search for the new Superintendent is beginning. As a first step, the search committee will need input from the school community regarding the qualities and skills of our next school leader. A survey has been created to gather that information. Please go to: to view the survey which will take approximately five minutes to conclude. The deadline for the survey is October 25, 2014.

***PTO NEWS***

*Trick or Treat Candy Donations

Because the town of Shutesbury trick or treats up and down Leverett Road on Halloween, we’d like to help supply the houses who serve the brunt of the trick or treaters with candy.  Please donate bags of candy to the cause!  They will be distributed to the houses on Leverett Road (ONE WEEK EARLY) in the afternoon of October 24.  Please send in your candy to the main office at SES by Friday, October 24.



*The Shutesbury Broadband Committee needs your help!

We're working to bring high speed fiber internet to your home. Help us collect utility pole information.

 Saturday, November 8th, 9AM - 4PM  (Lunch provided at the Shutesbury Athletic Club)

No experience needed!

Required training Friday, November 7th, 7-9 PM at the Shutesbury Elementary School (Dessert provided)

(Rain dates November 14th and 15th, same times and locations)

 Pole Inventory Event Details


Saturday, November 1, 9-11 AM (Shutesbury Town Hall)

Team Leader Training (Mandatory for Team Leaders Only)

Friday, November 7th, 7-9 PM (Shutesbury Elementary School)

Data Collection Training – Required for all participants

Saturday, November 8th, 9AM – 3PM (Shutesbury Athletic Club)

Data Collection Day

Rain Dates:

Friday, November 14th, 7-9 PM (Shutesbury Elementary School)

Required Data Collection Training

Saturday, November 15th, 9AM – 3PM (Shutesbury Athletic Club)

Data Collection Day

To sign up contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Zenya Wild.

Call: 413-256-0176

Email: [email protected]

Weekly Lunch Menu
Vocabulary Costume Day
Shutesbury Broadband Committee
Halloween Howl Wolf Talk - Library Program
October Library Programs
West African Dance & Drum Classes
Halloween Fest - LSSE

Posted by carlson-belangerj On 23 October, 2014 at 3:46 PM