Roadtown News 3.1.19 

PUBLICATION INFORMATION  Please submit any submissions for the Community section to: [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PNG format.  Hard copies (25) must be submitted by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.



Wednesday, March 6

5/6 Field Trip, ARHS Musical, 9:00-11:45am


Wednesday, March 6

Preschool Open House, 12:00-1:00pm


Friday, March 8

MCBA Books in Action Party for 4-6th Graders, SES



Sunday, March 10

Daylight Savings Begins, Spring Ahead!


Thursday, March 14

5th Grade Field Trip, Sojouner Truth Museum 



Friday, March 15

Duffy Academy of Irish Dance Performance


Hello Moose!

Our calendar is picking up and we're moving swiftly towards Spring!  We hope you enjoyed your winter break and your delayed start yesterday.  The school grounds look beautiful with the fresh, white, powdery snow!  We are lucky to live, work and learn in such a pretty place.

The upper grades are starting to go on some field trips and begin the orientation process for the middle school, while we are beginning to introduce our new preschool and kindergarten families to the school.  It's a very exciting time of beginnings and endings for all of us!  

Next week the 5th and 6th grades will get to see the Amherst High School's Musical, "Tuck Everlasting," and we'll host the Preschool Open House for incoming families!  Also next Friday evening the 4th - 6th graders, who have read 5 Massachusetts Children's Book Award Books, are invited to a Books in Action Party at Shutesbury Elementary School!  Thanks to Ms. L. and all of the Union #28 librarians for their planning and dedication to continuing this event.

Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully we will have a full week of school next week!  Blizzard Bags will be sent home today, Friday, just in case of a snow day for Union #28 on Monday.  If there is not a snow day, please send back the complete Blizzard Bag with your child.






We hope to see our old crew and a brand new batch of energetic moose at our March/April session!  See the attached flyer for details.

SAVE THE DATE!  Moose on the Move Club is hosting the community dinner at the Shutesbury Athletic Club on Friday, March 22 from 6-8pm ($7-$10).  We’ll have healthy soups, salads, hearty breads and fruitful desserts.  All are welcome (even if you are not an active member of Moose on the Move Club).  Please join us!  And if you are able to help us set up, serve, clean up or cook for this dinner sign up at this link:




JCB:  What is your favorite thing about school?
MB: Everything in my classroom.  I like Choice Time. 

JCB:  What do you like to do outside?
MB:  I like to just play with my friend.  Jaythan wants to play with me at recess time today.

JCB:  He already told you?
MB:  No, I asked him and he says yes!

JCB:  What is your favorite food?
MB:  There are kind of a lot of…hmm, salami, peanut butter and pretzels.  My dad bought 6 bags of them.  Isn’t that crazy?!  He bought 6 of them!  What a crazy dada!

JCB:  What is your favorite thing to do at home?
MB:  Play with my mama.  We play with some stuff that I made.  I made some stuff out of magnets.  I made it out of triangles and squares.

JCB:  If you could be any animal, what animal would you be and why?
MB:  An animal that’s really tired but what I’d like to be is a frog.  A frog could jump really high!  He can jump a long way and he can jump on a log.  They can jump really high and they can land on something very far from where they jump. 

JCB:  What is your favorite book?
MB:  All kinds of books.  One day I made a book and my mama wrote about that on her phone.  And she also wrote, “Milo made a movie!”


Ravens open house!
Ravens Is an after school program for 6-12 year olds at Shutesbury elementary Wednesday afternoons 1-5. Ravens is taught by professional naturalists Kevin Aderer and Andrew Row. At Ravens we study plant identification, learn about wild life through track and sign and practice traditional hand crafts using materials harvested on site. With plenty of time forest games Ravens is the perfect time for your child to be immersed in nature in the context of a supportive and caring community. Come see for yourself at our open house. Sunday March 3rd 1:00-3:30 were Inviting current and prospective Ravens students and their families to join us for an afternoon in the woods. We'll meet that the school and then head into the adjacent forest where Ravens takes place. We hope to see you there! For more information about Ravens visit


Shutesbury Athletic Club Community Dinner!

We would like to invite you to “Italian Night” at the Shutesbury Athletic Club this Friday, from 6-7:30pm  We’ll be servicing a variety of pastas, sausages, meat & meatless sauces, toasted breads and a light dessert.  Price is $7-$10 sliding scale.  Come enjoy the fellowship and great food.  Julio Mendez (parent of a 3rd grader) and family are cooking!

Weekly Lunch


preK screening

preK screenings


Wendell Clothing

Fams Connecting







Posted by carlson-belangerj On 01 March, 2019 at 10:11 AM